Registration and Abstract submissions are open for the 2019 BPS Annual Scientific Meeting which will take place at ULB on May 22.
All the information can be found at the BPS 2019 Conference page.
Some important deadlines:
- 12th of April: deadline for young speaker and poster contest applications
- 30th of April: closing of call for abstracts
- 8th of May : deadline for early registration
This year plenary speakers are:
- Prof. Vladimir Tikhonchuk (Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications, University of Bordeaux, France and Extreme Light Infrastructure, Prague, Czech Republic ) about intense lasers
- Prof. Hamid Abderraim (SCK-CEN, Mol, Belgium), about the MYRRHA project
Each parallel session will also feature prestigious invited speakers, and do not forget to participate to the various contests (see the full program here).